"Stunning.  Breathtaking.  Soulful."
- M. Perkins; Colorado


What listeners are saying about "Only Two Things" ...

Jim's newest CD: "Only Two Things"

"A contemplative masterpiece." 
W. Messer , Florida

“Jim's work is absolutely breathtaking."
- Doug G., Wisconsin

"This music pulls me in deeper to the depths of my own soul."  
-Jake F., Colorado

"At complete peace while listening to your music." 
- Mark H.,  Massachusetts

"Your playing is so soothing. We love your music ... Your music is just a blissful escape into a dreamworld ...  It's amazing."
- Elizabeth W.; 
  M. Steinert & Sons Pianos,  Boston
  Royal Academy of Music, London
  Cork School of Music, Ireland 




What does he sound like?

Reminiscent of solo pianists like George Winston, Liz Story, Lyle Mays, or Keith Jarrett, Jim Robbins plays with an expressiveness that has lead listeners to call his solo piano work “absolutely breathtaking, “remarkable,” and "one of the most unique and beautiful listening experiences I've had in years."

His newest CD, Only Two Things, has been called a “contemplative masterpiece.”

#1 free-download on leading jazz website:

"Cayuga's Valley," a track from Jim's newest CD, Only Two Things, reached #1 on the list for "Top MP3 Downloads in the Last 10 Days" on the leading jazz website, All About Jazz.com.

Why the album title, "Only Two Things" ?

"There are only two things that pierce the human heart: Beauty and affliction."
- Simone Weil

Superb audio quality:

This CD has been mastered by GRAMMY-winning mastering engineer, Mark Donahue, at Sound Mirror Studios in Boston. 

Cover photo credits:

CD cover art image and site header image: Courtesy, Montana Panoramic:  Outstanding photography of the American West.

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What listeners are saying about Jim Robbins' solo piano ... 

This is great stuff! Definitely reminiscent of [Lyle] Mays and [Keith] Jarrett.
— Listener in U.S.
Can’t remember the last time I have heard so delicate a touch. On any instrument.
— Listener in Finland
Really beautiful. This is my favorite kind of music. Thought-provoking, reflective...
— Listener in U.S.
You are so bloody good... Very emotional.
— Listener in Great Britain